Owning or renting property in Yellow Banks gives you front row access to some of the best things in the entire county. You have an amazing lake front view (3 of them actually!), private roads, fishing, hiking, boating and more! As this is privately owned, Yellow Banks wishes to keep its roads and lake kept up, clean, and passable. Your contribution to this will help ensure that we can keep improving over time and keep things maintained as they should be.
The Year runs from June 1 to May 31 of the following year.
The fees for the 2022-2023 season is $325 one time, or $30/month for 12 months.
As you are well aware, we are continuing through the process of getting Yellow Banks back open to the public. Until we can do so, we’ll keep pressing forward on improvements on the Community side of things. Once we are open to the public we hope to be able to offer the Community Residents various discount opportunities and access. We will keep the Community informed once this happens. In the meantime, your Community Dues this year will help with the following:
You have the option to pay monthly or annually!
2022 Dues Paid Annually: $325 Paid Monthly: $30
Pay online below
Pay by check: Yellow Banks, LLC, PO Box 219, Dale, IN 47523
or reach out to visit@yellowbankslake.com or 812.686.8169 and arrange a way to pay in person via cash or check.
We understand some of you may not be able to afford paying these types of dues. The best thing to do in this case is to communicate instead of avoiding. We encourage you to reach out to us, as we have plenty of volunteer work opportunities to help you off-set those costs. Perhaps you have something else you can bring to the table as well. We are happy to talk through it and work something out!
We look forward to a bigger and better year for everyone!
Monthly Payments are due by the 5th of each month. If mailing a check, it must be received by the 5th.